Alexander Hamilton portrayed by Ian Rose. Seen the musical? Read the book? Now at Chautauqua you can personally duel wits with Alexander Hamilton, the Founding Father who mastered the arts of wit, war, and wealth, long before becoming the subject of Broadways Hamilton: An American Musical.
An illegitimate, largely self-taught orphan from the Caribbean, Hamilton epitomizes the American dream poor immigrant makes good. He went on to help win the Revolutionary War and ratify the Constitution, create the countrys financial system, charm New Yorks most eligible ladies, and land his face on our $10 bill.
What did Alexander Hamilton ever do besides get shot in a duel by Aaron Burr? Why did Adams and Jefferson hate him so much? Disputes that arose during Americas first decades continued through American history to our present day. The duel of wits of our Founding Fathers fought illustrates that after the American Revolutionary War was won the real Revolution began. Click HERE for complete details and information about Greenville Chautauqua.