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All Things Appalachia: Pocahontas – The Rest of the Story

January 2 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Pocahontas: The Rest of the Story

Thursday, January 2

6:00-7:00 pm

The story of the Powhatan woman Pocahontas has been romanticized so that fact is difficult to separate from fiction. Presenter Ken Gassman, a direct descendant of Pocahontas, will share the newest discoveries in genealogical research about this significant historical figure.

Presenter Info:

After retiring as an investment banker, Ken Gassman began researching his family’s genealogy. He is focusing on family stories. So far, he hasn’t found any goat thieves in his family, but there are plenty of very interesting, colorful characters. Recently Ken discovered that he is directly related to Pocahontas.

This program is part of the All Things Appalachia speaker series, a monthly program series at the Transylvania County Library exploring the people, natural world, culture, and history of the southern Appalachian region. Presenters include experts in the fields of history, ecology, outdoor recreation, and more. The programs are on the first Thursday evening of most months at 6 pm in the Rogow Room.  Each program lasts approximately one hour. These free programs are supported by the Friends of the Library.

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(828) 884-3151

212 S Gaston St, Brevard, NC 28712