Silversteen Collection – Box 55B cont. – Folder 4


  1. French Broad Affair – Murder, Mystery and Mayhem in Your Own Backyard, House History – 502 East French Broad Street – Brevard, NC; written after 2005 (1)
  2. Miriam and Albert Kyle House from The Architectural History of a Mountain County by Laura A. W. Phillips and Deborah Thompson, 1998 (2)
  3. Request from Alfred Weiss, for transfer of 225 shares of Gloucester Lumber Company stock; Includes Letters Testamentary, Copy of Will of Miriam S. Weiss (deceased), Affidavit of domicile, Affidavit as to transfer not constituting a sale and Tax waiver from N.C. Department of  Revenue, May 2, 1966 (6)
  4. Miriam Silversteen Weiss, Certificate of Death, 22 January 1965 (2)
  5. Newspaper clipping, Wedding In Brevard Is Brilliant Occasion, two photocopies of  Mrs. Albert Groves Kyle / Miss Miriam Garvis Silversteen in wedding gown;  newspaper clipping, Brevard Wedding of Wide Interest, October 14, 1926 (4)       
  6. Wedding Invitation of Miriam Garis Silversteen to Albert Groves Kyle, 14 October 1926 (1)
  7. Society News, Miss M. G. Silversteen To Wed Mr. A. G. Kyle, Asheville Citizen Times, August 29, 1926 (1)
  8. To Mid, handwritten poem (1)
  9. Miriam Silversteen school notebook, English and math notes, 17 April 1918 (1)

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