Silversteen Collection – Box 55G – Folder 3


  1. The Garland Company, 1915 (2)
  2. General Fire Extinguisher Co., 1915 (1)
  3. Gloucester Lumber Company, 1914-1916 (35)
  4. Goodall Rubber Co., Inc., 1915 (4)
  5. Grasselli Chemical Co.  1915-1916 (22)
  6. Hans Rees’ Sons, 1916 (1)
  7. A.L. Hardin, 1916 (2)
  8. Hendersonville Lumber Co. 1915 (1)
  9. Hickory Manufacturing Co., 1915 (1)
  10. D. S. Hildebrand Dr. 1915 (2)
  11. Inland Press Printers, 1916 (1)
  12. Iroquois Manufacturing Co. 1915 (2)
  13. Jacobsen Publishing Company Dr. 1915 (1)
  14. H.W. Johns-Manville Co. 1915-1916 (2)
  15. Klipstein & Company 1915-1916 (3)
  16. Landsberg Brothers 1915 (1)
  17. Chas. E. Lyday, M.D. 1914-1915 (3)
  18. Marden, Orth & Hastings Co. 1915-1917 (6)
  19. C.M. McClung & Co. 1915-1916 (10)
  20. McConnell Bros. 1915-1916 (13)
  21. McCurry & Inman, Co. 1915 (1)
  22. Miller Supply Company 1915-1916 (8)
  23. Edw. H. Munkwitz Company 1915 (5)
  24. New York Commercial, Dr. 1915-1916 (3)
  25. North Carolina Corporation Commission 1916 (2)
  26. Northup-McDuffie Hardware Co. 1916 (1)
  27. Otis Elevator Company 1915 (3)
  28. Ottis’ Green Hardware Co. 1915 (1)
  29. The Paterson Oveall Simon & Cohn 1915 (1)
  30. Philadelphia Felt Co. 1915 (1)
  31. Philadelphia Textile Machinery Co. 1915 (1)
  32. Piedmont Electric Co. Inc. 1915 (12)
  33. Rigby-Morrow Co 1915 (1)
  34. Robeson Process Co. 1915 (1)
  35. Wm C. Robinson & Son Co. 1915 (1)
  36. Rosman Tanning Extract Company 1915 (34)
  37. Rosman Tanning Extract Company 1916 (34)
  38. Rubberhide Company 1915-1916 (4)

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