Silversteen Collection – Box 55A – Folder 7


1.      Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, Lost Securities Bond; Ernest Paxton as Principal requests Gloucester Lumber Company Inc. to issue new or duplicate securities in lieu of 10 shares lost or destroyed, 7 Feb 1967 (3)

2.      Correspondence from Ramsey, Hill & Smart to Mrs. T.A. Bjerg re. Albert F. Schenck land claim; named landowners include Eugene Stone III, T.C. Stone, James H. Cummings, Margaret Hughes, Jones Garren;  includes map and abstract of deed, 9 Mar 1966 (5)

3.      Transfer of Transylvania Tanning Company stock certificates from Elizabeth M. Silversteen to Miriam Weiss, Dorothy Bjerg and Adelaide Hill, 10 Feb1959 (5)

4.      Agreement of stock owners of Transylvania Tanning Company, Gloucester Lumber Company and Toxaway Tanning Company that power and influence attaching thereto be not dissipated but be consolidated in the family group of Joseph S. Silversteen, Elizabeth M. Silversteen, Miriam Weiss, Dorothy Bjerg and Adelaide Hill, 1951 (6 pg legal binder)

5.      Assignment of Policy, Mutual Life Insurance Company of NY; all right, title and interest of Joseph S. Silversteen is hereby assigned, transferred and set over to Toxaway Tanning Company, 24 Mar 1947 (2)

6.      Supreme Court: Gertrude Sternfeld, suing on behalf of herself as stockholder, and on behalf of all other stockholders of Toxaway Tanning Company similarly situated against Transylvania Tanning Company, Joseph S. Silversteen, Nathan Dworetzky, Meyer Dworetzky, Theresa Dworetzky, Dorothy Bjerg, Elizabeth Silversteen and Samuel Silverstein, 23 Aug 1943 (65 pg. booklet)

7.      Town of Brevard vs. J.S. Silversteen and Elizabeth, S.M. Macfie and Mary, C.P. White, D.L. English for Lucy B. Wallis, Pauline Galloway, T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg; 913 frontage Park and 6 acres listed in the name of Silversteen, Macfie and White and involves land deeds between Lem Brooks and C.P. White, N.A. Miller to J.S. Silversteen, Cos Paxton to S.M. Macfie, T.S. Wood to C.P. Wilkins, W.J. Wallis to J.S. Silversteen, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

8.      Town of Brevard vs. Gus and Sultana Roman, W.E. Breese, T.C. Galloway, C.P. Wilkins, J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline Galloway, T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Wm P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg; involves 6 lots French Broad and Jordan, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

9.      Town of Brevard vs. T.H. and Elizabeth Shipman, J.M. and Mollis Allison, J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen; Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.L. English, J.M. Allison, V.C. Moore, D.A. Rendleman; Involves 2 lots in the name of Shipman, Allison and Silversteen, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

10.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Mrs. Thorvard Bjerg; involves 1 lot Caldwell and Jordan, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

11.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, D.G. and Jessie Ward, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg, Wm. P. Riley; involves 1 lot, Maple Street in the name of Silversteen and Ward, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

12.  Town of Brevard vs. T.H. and Elizabeth Shipman, T.W. and Mattie Whitmire, J.S.and Elizabeth Silversteen, W.E. Breese, John Mitchell, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.L. English, J.M. Allison, F.B. Jenkins, D.A. Rendleman, J.E. Allison; involves 2 lots at Probart and Caldwell, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

13.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A.Rendleman, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg; involves 1 lot in the name of J.S. Silversteen with mention of J.A. Miller, Welch Galloway, S.M. Macfie, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

14.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A.Rendleman, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg; involves 1 Jordan Street lot in the name of J.S. Silversteen with mention of J.R. Lawrence, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

15.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Bjerg; involves 14 lots and 38 acres in the name of J.S. Silversteen with mention of J.A. Miller, S.M. Macfie, C.P. White, C.H. Robinson, Welch Galloway, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

16.  Town of Brevard vs. T.H. and Elizabeth Shipman, Norma and Joe Bradley, J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.L. English, J.M. Allison, W.E. Breese, D.A. Rendleman, W.L. Mull, Jos. M. Hunt, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvard Berg; involves 1 lot on Caldwell Street in the name of T.H. and W.E. Shipman, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

17.  Town of Brevard vs. Myrtle Groff, J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, D.A. Rendleman, Wm P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Berg; involves 1 lot on French Broad in the name of Myrtle Groff with mention of C.P. White, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

18.  Town of Brevard vs. J.S. and Elizabeth Silversteen, J.A. and Ella Miller, Transylvania Trust Company, Standard Oil Company, American Asphalt Paint Company, Supple-BiddleHardware Company, Brevard Investment Company, Welch Galloway, Mary Johnstone, W.E. Breese for Brevard Banking Company, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Pauline and T.H. Galloway, Chase National Bank, Wachovia Bank & Trust, D.A. Rendleman, Citizens National Bank, Wm. P. Riley, Mrs. Thorvald Berg; involves 1 lot on Caldwell Street in the name of Silversteen and Miller, 22 Apr 1936 (4)

19.  Supreme Court; Gertrude Sternfeld on behalf of herself and all other common stockholders of the Toxaway Tanning Company similarly situated (Plaintiff) against Toxaway Tanning Company, Joseph S. Silversteen, Meyer Dworetzky, Nathan P. Dworetzky, Theresa Dworetzky, Sylvia D. Giles, Samuel M. Silverstein, Herbert J. Schain, Grace T. Piercy, Adelaide E. Silversteen, Thorvald A. Bjerg, Dorothy S. Bjerg, Albert G. Kyle, Miriam S. Kyle, Elizabeth M. Silversteen (Defendants);  Stanley Rosenthal, attorney, 11 Mar 1933 (14)

20.  Agreement between Town of Brevard and Jos. S. Silversteen regarding building a sidewalk and removal of trees and hedge on Silversteen property, 29 Nov 1926 (1)

21.  Letter from A.D. Watts regarding payment of corporation income taxes, 27 Dec 1915 (1)

22.  Right-of-way over the Scott and E.A. Aiken tracts of land granted to Joseph S. Silversteen by T.F. McCall and wife, Ellen; witnessed by M.C. Whitmire (JP) and Cos Paxton (C of C), 8 May 1911, 5 pages

23.  Indenture between F.V. McCall and wife, Dora M. McCall and Jos. Silversteen regarding conveyance of easement or right of ingress and egress or right of way.  Witnessed by E.M Whitmire, 27 Feb 1908 (3)      

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