Silversteen Collection – Box 55F – Folder 3




  1. Plastic sleeve containing 1925 payroll check to Chas. Love for 25 cents; receipt from Brevard Banking Company to Gloucester Lumber Company for $200 delivered by Southern Express Company; receipt to Gloucester Lumber Company from post office; 1926 check for $2000 to Joseph Silversteen; 1936 check to Adelaide Silversteen
  2. President’s Report; Directors Meeting – March 16, 1960; two pages includes treasurer’s report; Report indicates company is struggling financially
  3. Lumber Stock List for: 1 May 1957, 1 Feb 1959, 1 May 1959 and 1 April 1960
  4. Inventory and tax listings for Gloucester Lumber Company; 27 January 1959 
  5. Bills (33) from Gloucester Lumber Company to Toxaway Tanning Company from October 1914 to July 1915; includes charges for bark, lumber, coal oil, sand and hauling
  6. Six bills from Gloucester Lumber Company to Toxaway Tanning Company for April and May 1916 
  7. Receipt from Calhoun, Robbins & Company to Gloucester Lumber Company for extract; 6 Jun 1916
  8. Nine checks mostly to N.P. Dworetzky from Gloucester Lumber Company in June 1916; Bank was The Brevard Banking Company
  9. 1915 bill from Carolina Machinery Company in Asheville NC to Gloucester Lumber Company; Dates and amounts only
  10. Invoice from Smith-Courtney Company, November 1915; Date and amount
  11. Two 1915 bills and one receipt of payment written on scrap paper; Charges to Toxaway Tanning Company
  12. Standard Oil Company invoice to Gloucester Lumber Company, 30 September 1915,
  13. Invoice from Grant-Hasson Hardware Company to Gloucester Lumber Company; September 1915 for tennis net
  14. Invoice from McConnell Brothers (wholesale fruits and produce) to Gloucester Lumber Company, September 1915; dates and amount only
  15. Three 1915 invoices from Butler Brothers to Gloucester Lumber Company; Items bought include Ladies hose, Men’s & women’s handkerchiefs, thermos bottles, tennis racket, coat, horn
  16. Two 1915 Receipt from Stonega Coke and Coal Company to Gloucester Lumber Company for 40 tons of coal and 51 tons of coal @ $1.10 per ton
  17. Gloucester Lumber Company to Welch Galloway; September 1915
  18. North Carolina Demurrage Bureau to Gloucester Lumber Company; August 1915; report on usage of railway cars
  19. Gloucester Lumber Company Suspense Accounts; August 1915                      
  20. Two 1915 shipping invoices from H.B. Chaflin Corp. of NY to Gloucester Lumber Company; Crex rugs and windsor coverts (made have been a coat)
  21. Invoice from Gloucester Lumber Company to Toxaway Tanning Company, 13 May 1915
  22. 1913 bill from Gloucester Lumber Company to John Mull for sand, brick and lime
  23. Bulletin announcing sale of timber land bonds for The Stony Brook Lumber Company of Lopez, PA (Relation to Silversteen or Gloucester Lumber Company not known)
  24. Hand drawn map of Reasonover (Reason Over) Creek Unit of Gloucester Lumber Company
  25. Remarks Pertaining to the New Operation of the Gloucester Lumber Company by Captain Thorvald A. Bjerg; Addresses following topics:  Labor, Electric power, Logs, Old Mill, New equipment, Production and Requirements for success; undated

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