Silversteen Collection – Box 55M cont. (b)

MUSIC (36 items)

  1. Concert Programs (4 items)       


    1. McMillin Theater—Columbia University, Folk Song Festival, January 24, 1952 (2)
    2. United Nations Concert Series, Music of the U.S.A., November 16, 1947
    3. Program Bulletin, New York Port Area, Week of Nov. 20th  Through Nov. 26th, 1944
    4. The Salem College School of Music, Graduating Recital by Miss Tommye Frye, Pianist and Miss Elizabeth Adelaide Silversteen, Contralto,  April 3, 1933
  2. Education (3 items)


    1. “Student Counterpoint” by Charles W. Pearce, 1926
    2. Curricula, Combs Conservatory Of Music
    3. Combs Conservator of Music
  3. Handwritten Notes (7 items)


    1. Program for Soprano
    2. Counterpoint,
    3. Counterpoint Miss Clark, January 14, 1932
    4. Score dated Mar 23
    5. Bless my wedding…handwritten note
    6. The Ming Tree Fan
    7. Follow the Gleam
  4. Lyrics (6 items)


    1. “Creole Songs,” 1946
    2. “Creole Songs of the Deep South,” 1946
    3. “Street Cries and Creole Songs of New Orleans”
    4. “Patriotic Songs of America”
    5. The Latest Song Hit of 1950 to 1965, “Just West of the Sunset”
    6. The Song Hit Of All Time, “A Confusion in Heaven.”
  5. Periodical Articles (6 items)


    1. American Musicological Society, Survey of Research Studies in Progress, 1959
    2. Etude, The Music Magazine, page 41, April 1952
    3. Musical Courier, page 3, November 15, 1948
    4. Babe out of the woods by Sally Mirliss, March 1947
    5. Musical Courier,” January 5, 1944, (3)
    6. Music by George Shelby, reprinted from the Greenwich Village Bugle
  6. Posters  (1 item)


    1. Concert Posters, Adelaide Von Wey and Robert Noble Hill (2)
  7. Reviews (5 items)


    1. William Neill, Inc. presents Adelaide Van Wey, reviews (2)
    2. Adelaide Van Wey, reviews      
    3. William Neill, Inc. announces the exclusive management of Adelaide Van Wey
    4. “Song Around the World,” Adelaide Van Wey list of programs for the 1940-41season (2)
    5. Musical Courier (4)
  8. World War II, service banner (1)
  9. Books (2 items)


    1. “Favorite Songs,” bound copies of songs, collected by Adelaide Van Wey
    2. “Folk Songs,” bound copies of songs, collected by Adelaide Van Wey
  10. Doodle sheets (1 item)

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