Silversteen Collection – Box 55L


BOX 55 L SCRAPBOOKS AND DIARIES (11 items)                                                                                 

  1. Adelaide Silversteen scrapbook; starts with 1920 program for Brevard Wednesday Club
  2. Adelaide Silversteen “My Memory Book”; contains souvenirs, photos and clippings
  3. Adelaide Silversteen “Photographs”; contains cartoon clippings
  4. Adelaide Silversteen; History Notebook First Semester 1927-28
  5. Adelaide Silversteen; Daily Reminder 1929; detailed and personal
  6. Adelaide Silversteen; Standard Diary 1940; mostly appointments
  7. Adelaide Silversteen; Daily Reminder 1946; mostly appointments
  8. Elizabeth Silversteen Diary 1940; mostly club meetings and related work
  9. Elizabeth Silversteen Diary 1942; mostly club meetings and related work
  10. Elizabeth Silversteen Diary 1943; mostly club meetings and related work
  11. Elizabeth Silversteen address book; Front cover says “Announcement List”

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