North Carolina Reads is North Carolina Humanities’ statewide book club for 2023. North Carolina Reads features five books that explore issues of racial, social, and gender equality and the history and culture of North Carolina. All five books pose critical questions about how North Carolinians view their role in helping to form a more just and inclusive society. Learn more about the book selections here.
Money Rock by Pam Kelley
The story of Belton Lamont Platt, nicknamed Money Rock, and of a striving African American family, swept up and transformed by the 1980s cocaine epidemic. This gripping tale, populated with characters both big-hearted and flawed, shows how social forces and public policies—racism, segregation, the War on Drugs, mass incarceration—help shape individual destinies.
Registration is required to join our discussion of Money Rock. To register and join the conversation on October 3 at 6:00 pm in the Library’s Rogow Room, click here.
Watch NC Humanities’ recorded book event with author Pam Kelley, Dr. Seth Kotch (Associate Professor of American Studies at UNC Chapel Hill), and Dr. Barbara Lash (Department of Geography instructor at UNC Charlotte).