
NC Digital Library Check out audiobooks, eBooks and other electronic resources 24/7 with your library card. From the latest bestsellers to all time favorites, there’s something for everyone. Get the app here.

NC Kids Digital Library Discover thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, videos and read-alongs for kids in pre-K, kindergarten and elementary school. Get the app here.

Hoopla Explore thousands of movies, TV shows, full music albums, magazines, eBooks and audiobooks, available any time on your computer or device – no waiting required. Get the app here.

Tumblebooks Read along with picture books and eBooks for kids in pre-K, kindergarten and elementary school. Free to use anytime, anywhere.

Homegrown eBooks Collection via NC Live Find more than 3,700 eBooks by a variety of North Carolina publishers.  Includes popular and scholarly non-fiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry.
Hoopla Check out the hoopla Magazines BingePass, which includes current issues of more than 50 popular magazines, like HGTV, Elle, Men’s Health, and Time for Kids.

NC Live A treasure-trove for research, NC LIVE is a collection of resources containing 1.6 billion full-text articles, newspapers, eBooks and more.

DigitalNC Explore the history of North Carolina and Transylvania County through primary sources: newspapers, photos, scrapbooks and more. DigitalNC includes the Transylvania Times (1933-1975), thousands of photos from the library archives, community scrapbooks, Brevard and Rosman school yearbooks and much more.

Historic NC Digital Newspapers via NC Live This resource offers 3.5 million digitized pages of historic newspaper content from the North Carolina Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill. Make informed financial decisions with trusted ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services.

NC Live A treasure-trove for research, NC LIVE is a collection of resources containing 1.6 billion full-text articles, newspapers, eBooks and more.

CQ Researcher via NC Live In-depth reports on today’s issues. Stay up-to-date on complex political and social issues, such as health, education, the environment, technology, and the economy.

Credo Reference via NC Live Get your research started with this premier collection of encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files, and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas.

Gale in Context: Biography via NC Live Discover the world’s most influential people by searching biographies, news, magazine, and multimedia content.

SIRS Discoverer Designed specifically for elementary and middle school students, SIRS Discoverer offers articles, nonfiction books, images, activities, and websites curated for educational relevance, age appropriateness, and readability.

SIRS Issues Researcher Research the pros and cons of current issues and enduring social issues through full-text articles, multimedia, primary sources, government documents, and reference materials. Discover the world’s most influential people by searching biographies, news, magazine, and multimedia content.


Stream thousands of independent, classic, and documentary films— all available free with your library card. Get the app here.


Explore thousands of movies, TV shows, full music albums, magazines, eBooks and audiobooks, available any time on your computer or device – no waiting required. Get the app here.


Stream classic and contemporary features, award-winning shorts, film festival favorites and documentaries from around the world. IndieFlix is available through the North Carolina Digital Library via the Libby app. Get the app here.

Qello Concerts

Stream on-demand, full-length music performances, concert films, and music documentaries. Qello Concerts is available through the North Carolina Digital Library via the Libby app. Get the app here.

Just for Kids Streaming Collection via NC Live

Kid-safe streaming, including educational videos kids want to watch—Sesame Street, The Electric Company, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, The Berenstain Bears, Franklin and thousands more. Stream on-demand, full-length music performances, concert films, and music documentaries.

LearningExpress Library and Prepstep Academic via NC Live  Ace your test! Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for students and adult learners. Practice for the GED, GRE, SAT, ASVAB, and improve core academic skills, prepare for college, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.

Cypress Resume via NC Live  This is an easy-to-use resume building tool with a built-in writing process and automatic formatting.

Ferguson’s Career Guidance via NC Live  Ferguson’s is a career database that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education, and research best practices for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, networking, and salaries/benefits.  Includes articles, career advice blogs, and streaming video.


A craft community and online education platform for crafters of all ages. Explore tailored project kits, step-by-step expert instruction and timely lessons to make things you’re proud of over and over again. Craftsy is available through the North Carolina Digital Library via the Libby app. Get the app here.

The Great Courses

Boost your brain! Check out a 7-day pass to explore the Great Courses Library Collection – over 250 courses led by the world’s top experts, covering a broad range of subjects from science to philosophy to fine arts. The Great Courses are available through the North Carolina Digital Library via the Libby app. Get the app here.

Transparent Language

Whether you are preparing for a big trip, boosting your job skills, or are simply curious, Transparent Language provides fun, effective, and engaging experience for building your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in another language. With over 110 languages to choose from, there is something for every learner.

African American Heritage Explore genealogical & historical records with this groundbreaking digital resource devoted to African American family history research.

Ancestry The world’s largest online family history resource with more than 20 billion records. Available for in-library use only.

Fold3 U.S. military records, including stories, photos & personal documents of men & women who served.

Heritage Quest via NC Live U.S. Federal Census records, city directories, immigration records, military records & more.

DigitalNC Explore the history of North Carolina and Transylvania County through primary sources: newspapers, photos, scrapbooks and more. DigitalNC includes the Transylvania Times (1933-1975), thousands of photos from the library archives, community scrapbooks, Brevard and Rosman school yearbooks and much more.
NoveList via NC Live Not sure what to read next? NoveList has you covered! Find read-alikes, explore your favorite genres and browse award-winning titles.

Wowbrary Be among the first to know about the newest items hitting the library’s shelves with weekly email updates from Wowbrary.

eNewsletters Visit this page to sign up for curated reading recommendations, bestseller lists, new releases, and more— all delivered right to your email inbox.  Sign up here.

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Over 1,000 online video courses for creative makers.

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Thousands of classic, independent, & documentary films- ready to watch anytime, anywhere.

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212 S Gaston St, Brevard, NC 28712